So for now its just another lonely day

Every now and then I get stuck on a song. Listening to 'Cannonball', to get my mind of this song thats taken control of my brain ... So for now its just another lonely day (PJ), thing is, it just says it all ... There's this gravelly feeling to his voice, and he seems to be talking straight to you. Specially those bits, like when he says, 'You know I can take anything but temptation from you'. So, thats Ben Harper and Pearl Jam for you.

I had the nicest day, given ...

Last night I worked all day. Then did all my small domestic tasks. Watched 'Roma', 'Dear Frankie' & 'Music from another Room'. I cooked a nice pork curry and saffron rice, and washed it down with some bear. Called home, wrote some letters, went for a run, went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and sat at computer till afternoon reading (trying to) some papers from the web. I didnt understand much, but I just kept reading. I received mails from 2 profs I had contacted and I am meeting them soon. I was scared, bcz I thought I will look foolish, but then I was reading one of their websites: it has these 'how to' guides. Somewhere there it said, dont be scared of looking foolish - keep going. So I went.

Afternoon, Sandeepa called. She wanted to do birthday celebration thing. See, she hadnt been here for my birthday (10/11). It was my big 30. I figured, it was the last of the biggies I wouldnt be heartbroken about, so I was excited. However, when it came to the party and all, she wasnt there. So 'we' had decided that we will celebrate it again later. 'Later' happened today.

We went to TGIF. On a Sunday. Had a Mojito. She had a Oreo milkshake. Had a shrimp thing for starters. Then I had a steak with JD, medium rare and mashed potatoes with cheese. She had a 'wicked chicken'. She gave me a lovely card, a t-shirt that says in front 'cunningly disguised as an adult', which I adored. We sat there and for a long time, talking about work, boys, and life & its ironies. We giggled like girls, at times. We got mad at each other at times, and we let it go. I learnt that from her. I could never do that trick before. Feel the 'mad', and let it go.

Came back at 6. Hemmed my new pants. Talked to Dad. He lost his passport and then found it again. Germany, feels so close. He's on his way. Now I'm home, watching Huckabees.

There was a time I was fascinated by Germany & all thins Deutsch. Cant think where it came from.Perhaps the music, or the thinkers, or perhaps just the perfect men ... most of my ideal men in literature (Rainer, Jo's professor, Luddie in Thornbirds). With time, it mellowed and but it almost came back this time when I was making plans to go and visit Da.

Originally Posted at Prerona.

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