
i bunked work! half day! oh, what bliss!
ill sleep and sleep and sleep ...
i adore being at home in the afternoon on a working day!
i didnt want to - i fought it - but i had no solid work
and it was that horrible sloooooooooooooooow day feeling that slowly seeps into ur brain
and makes u go deaddeaddeader till plonk you collapse and u just have to run
maybe its the bandh in kolkata - and the eid in dubai - heh heh!
i felt like i was the only one in the (my) world working ;)
or I can come up with a 1000 and 1 more colorful excuses ...

but the real reason is i also had fever
had it for a while now - but today it was killing me
even to sit up straight be polite in general conversation was an effort a notch beyond the limit
so here I am in heaven

listening to jim morrison & chatting with drumsticks

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