yesterday was a monumental day in my life and times

I actually graduated from the office ground to the wide open roads of san francisco!
Atleast, I crossed the maibn road and drove all the way back home.
At a break neck speed of 30 mph
Hurtling down, and all that
I was really thrilled :)

Then I went and got a haircut
I was really scared but she was pretty cool
She just snipped of my 'choti' and left me with a nice 'bob'
It was all over before I could say 'haircut' (slowly)
I was really scared man ... would have never gone if kkk hadnt pushed me ...
Thank God for F.R.I.E.N.D.S

I got a whole lot of compliments at work
mostly from a lot of old ladies and one from and old gentleman ... but it still felt nice

Baba called, after our embarrassingly senti sms exchanges last week
It was ... eminently pleasant

Rajesh called after eons
He keeps popping up after gaping vacant slots of absence
I suppose he is one of my oldest surviving friends whom I am still close to
He is a total smoothie ... raghu the liar incarnate ... and I dont ever believe a word he says
But I love him a lot anyway
Its that awesome unique feeling you get talking to old friends where u dont have to keep worrying what you said the last second
and praying it didnt scandalise someones scalp off
bcz they know you what a creep you are and they dont give a flying fuck
and you know they love you anyway :)

and I gathered courage and confessed something that was sitting on my chest for a long time
and it was okay -no major reaction ... so now my light and happy ... hah

got into a 'fight' with big boss at work
i was really pissed off
hope I dont get into trouble, though

I need to start studying ... gawd!
I hate this ...

thats all that there was .... well, when did I ever claim that my life was very exciting anyway ** smirk **

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