at first sight

have you ever noticed how there are some people, with whom you are immediately at ease. you feel like you have always known them, in a metter of moments. it does not necessarily follow that you need to be immensely close to them, even like them or even be honest with them

but more importantly, have you ever noticed that there are some people whom you just NEVER get comfortable with? you go to their place every week, but you still dont feel at home there. you meet them every day, still ur ill at ease. when they crack a joke you wonder later - did i do something wrong - were they hinting at something? when they frown you worry. when you jabber out of control with them, you take stock as soon as you stop

thats what i meant when i said in the first second you meet someone you know, all you ever will know. your whole relationship, your whole association ... frozen into a preview in that one fraction of a moment. you just have to watch out for it


  1. Yes I know what you mean. I feel like that with some, people that I just aren't comfortable with and feel like I'll make an idiot out of myself and others I feel at home with. Strange sometimes though.

  2. I know that feeling...but I also wonder if its something with them or something with me. :o)

